You Should Visit These Former Island Hotspots

As borders and global affairs change over time, so too does tourism. Trends in travel can change as quickly as the tides, and what was once a leading international destination decades ago may now be completely left off the average globetrotter's bucket list.

Once-Popular Island Vacations That Need to Make a Comeback Gallery

However, many destinations simply fall victim to the rise of a bigger, shinier destination that draws away travelers' attention, whereas others find that they've lost visitors due to political upheaval or natural disasters that, even when resolved, may leave lasting effects on their tourism industry.

The island escape, in particular, has always captured the imagination of many a vacationer. While islands such as Hawaii, Bali, and Santorini are the dream vacation of many, the classic appeal of other once-popular destinations remains. Indulge in a bit of nostalgia and consider a trip to one of these formerly popular island vacations that need to make a comeback.