Fireworks Searches Have Increased Drastically Over Last Month

People across the country have recently reported an unusual amount of fireworks starting as early as sundown, popping off nonstop through 4 a.m. Unsurprisingly, people are turning to the internet to figure out who is setting them off, why it's happening and when it's going to stop.

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According to Google Trends, between May 25 and June 22, New Hampshire saw the most significant growth in volume for the term "fireworks," reaching peak popularity on June 21. The New Hampsire subregion includes the greater Boston metro area, which saw a 2,300% increase in calls to police over illegal fireworks year over year in May, according to local news.

Rising related queries for the country altogether include "fireworks every night," "fireworks protest," "Oakland fireworks," "Juneteenth fireworks," "why are people setting off fireworks," "fireworks conspiracy," "why so many fireworks," "are fireworks legal in NY," and "why are there fireworks every night." Google classifies these as "breakout" queries, meaning the search term grew by more than 5,000% compared to the previous 30 day period. 

Rhode Island, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin and Nevada follow New Hampshire for the most fireworks searches over the 30 day period.

So, as you can see, the people have questions. Alas, there are no concrete answers and we're inching closer to the Fourth of July, which comes with major fireworks displays annually. Though America may not be getting the peace and quiet it yearns for any time soon, here are some steps you can take to make your bedroom better for sleep.